• Bridges Intervention provides targeted instruction and assessment for essential K–5 mathematics skills within a tiered system of support. The small-group instruction and ongoing progress monitoring are consistent with a Response to Intervention (RTI) or Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework.

    Intended to complement regular math instruction, Bridges Intervention is ideal for small groups or individuals. Students work with models — starting with manipulatives, moving to two-dimensional representations and then mental images. Organized by content rather than grade, each focused, 30-minute session is matched to student needs.

    Bridges Intervention was written to address key numeracy and computation skills and concepts for each grade level, K–5. Specifically, Bridges Intervention deals with those clusters identified as major within the following domains: Counting & Cardinality (K), Operations & Algebraic Thinking (K–4), Number & Operations in Base Ten (K–5), and Number & Operations: Fractions (3–5).

    Bridges Intervention presents content in two sets.  Each set is made up of separate “volumes” that address specific mathematics domains within the CCSS.  Again, content in each volume addresses standards for multiple grade levels, and instruction is organized by topic, not grade level.

    Each volume begins with a placement test and contains between 8-12 modules that focus on specific learning goals.  Within each volume, modules begin with the most basic concepts and skills and build to address more complex content.  Each module is made up of five 30-minute sessions or lessons. The first four provide instruction in the form of warm-ups, games and activities, and guided practice.  The fifth session is for progress monitoring.