SHOULDER STRENGTH is important because the shoulder girdle is a major component when assessing the functioning of the arm and hands.  In order for those to work efficiently, the body needs strong, stable shoulder girdle.  

    • Wheelbarrrow walks
    • Wall push ups
    • Tug of War
    • Playing with shaving cream on a window
    • Coloring on a vertical surface

    WRIST STABILITY plays an important role in handwriting and fine motor activities.  Being able to complete tasks that require a strong wrist results in better control of your fingers.  The best position for your wrist to be when you are completing a task that requires finger movement is slightly extended so that the muscles of the wrist and hand can operate the fingers with better control.  These activities can help with wrist stability:

    • Coloring on a vertical surface
    • Playing with Lite Brite toy
    • Hand clapping games
    • Crawling activities