• Swim towards success!

    Summer Extra-Credit.  Here are some easy and fun ways to earn extra-credit even before school begins!  

    1)  Writing is all around us.  Send a short postcard from your summer "vacation" spot or a "staycation" describing where you are, what you're doing, and who you're with.  Include figurative language in your text.

    Send to:

     Mrs. McWilliams - Grade 6

    Brielle Elementary School

    605 Union Lane

    Brielle, NJ 08730

    2)  Download the  Me, the Middle Schooler worksheet (below) Click files and complete!  Return before (school mailbox) or on the first day of school!


    3)  Read a book that is not part of our required reading. Make a book trailer or an animoto video for the book.  Email it to jmcwilliams@brielleschool.org

    4}Start a book club with a few sixth grade friends. Choose a fun book you all want to read and meet to talk about the book at least twice.  Have someone record your book discussions. Email it to jmcwilliams@brielleschool.org             

    5)   Have someone take a picture of you  reading in an interesting summer place.  Bring the photo in during the 1st week of school for our Reading bulletin board.

    6) Take the Mrs.McWilliams super book pages challenge.  Use  google classroom to update me on your total number of pages.