- Brielle Boro School District
- Reading/Language Arts
Fundations provides a research-based program that includes instruction and assessments. It provides students with thorough practice and does everything possible to help them become completely proficient rather than just cover a standards-based curriculum. By teaching concepts fully and supporting student learning throughout, student mastery and success is inevitable. The instructional principles for teaching reading and writing have been identified by research and Fundations provides a program that incorporates these important principles.
*Fundations provides specific measurable student learning objectives wjocj are alligned to the College and Career Ready Standards (Common Core State Standards CCSS)
*Fundations provides an integrated systematic word study, spelling, and handwriting curriculum.
*All parts of a Fundations lesson sequence relate to the unit objective(s)
*Every lesson naturally builds upon student prior knowledge; and past concepts are reviewed and integrated within the learning activities.
*Every lesson is accessible to all students because the concepts are taught and practiced in multiple ways that target multiple learning styles.
*Fundations lessons provide students with multiple opportunities to meaningfully practice concepts, skills, and strategies. Guidance and immediate feedback is given during practice so that the student's correct responses are reinforced.
*Within a Fundations lesson, challenges to students can be provided by differentiation interactions and questions posed to individuals.
The purpose of instruction is learning to both read and write for meaning, understanding, and joy. The purpose of Fundations is to provide a truly strong and secure foundation for that reading success, with FUN!
Students will:
*Develop an understanding of themselves as readers.
*Learn to self-select appropriate texts.
*Set goals for themselves as readers.
*Learn the expectations and routines for actively participating in a reading community.
*Learn how to participate in collaborative conversations about texts.
*Learn how to follow agreed-upon rules for discussions.
*Learn to identify the main topic or central message of a text.
*Learn how to ask and answer questions to clarify understanding of a topic under discussion.
*Recognize the differences among books that entertain, inform, and persuade, drawing on a wide reading of a range of text types, including fiction, poetry, and nonfiction.
*Develop habits of mind for engaging with a variety of texts.
*Learn to apply self monitoring-skills.
*Learn how to determine the meaning of challenging vocabulary words and phrases in a text.
*Learn how to ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of the key details in a text.
*Learn how to identify and use various text features to locate key information in a text.
The aforementioned outcomes reflect the College and Career Readiness grade-specific standards in reading, speaking, and listening. They define the skills and understandings that students must demonstrate at the end of each grade level.