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The Brielle Elementary School offers a comprehensive educational program to all students in grades K-8. In addition to a general education curriculum, targeted academic instruction and interventions are also provided for students through our Special Services, English Language Learning, and Enrichment programs. Our curriculum is designed to address the New Jersey Student Learning Standards Alignment, assessment, and revision of the scope and sequence of instruction is an ongoing curricular process involving all instructional staff. In addition, all curriculum in the Brielle Elementary School follows a 4-year curriculum cycle which includes: Year 1-Program Review/Pilot, Year 2-Implement, Year 3-Implement/Monitor, Year 4-Implement/Data Gathering/Program Review





Curriculum documents from 2021-22 can be accessed via the Curriculum tab.  All revisions to curriculum maps will be completed in Rubicon/Atlas.  The curriculum maps of Brielle Elementary School are a collaborative and dedicated effort of our teachers and administrators. The foundation of the curriculum maps is the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. These maps represent rigorous and high quality K-8 curricula and ensure continuity and progression at each level.

District curriculum maps are summative and describe what students will experience over the course of their schooling by content area. They are broad guidelines of what will be covered in each course. The actual delivery of instruction varies to address the needs of the students. Well-written curriculum exposes students to the same content and provides all students with equal access to high academic standards and expectations. 

We appreciate the ongoing efforts of our instructional staff to complete the multi-year project of curriculum mapping. Because this is a multi-year project, there are some curriculum maps that are in development and not yet available on the public site. Publication of the district maps represents our commitment to open communication with the community about excellence in curriculum and instruction at Brielle Elementary School.

2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards


 Teacher Evaluation

Frontline Professional Growth